Thursday 5 March 2015

Never Give UP


           Getting out of bed this morning was no small feat, after staying up till 4am the night before. Everyone likes the Classic Hero story of the “Guy who never gives up and reaches for his goal” but not many people like experiencing it. Here I was at 7.20am about to fall over while doing my morning jog of 30mins in 20mins and still adding the extra 5mins distance, and all I could say was “Don’t Give UP!”, my mind and body was totally against me, giving me all the needed excuse to stop “....Its Sunday Morning, you need to go get ready for church, You look fit already you can skip this, you have gone this far walk the rest” but all my mouth kept saying was “Don’t Give UP!”
      When I made it back to my gate all sweaty; I realized I didn't kill over. I kept using positive re-affirming words. Jeremiah 15: 19 (NIV), “if you utter worthy, not worthless, words, you will be my spokesman.” this was God talking to Jeremiah. Sometimes the situation might get so difficult for you to say anything positive, when everything around you is in turmoil. At 1st you might want to keep shut and watch everything pass you by and still believe in God for that miracle and not talk, but what happens when you finally do open your mouth? Do you say things that make God think “that’s my boy!!! No matter the circumstance he trust me” or the reverse “That boy of mine, when will he learn to trust me”.
        Like Job it can get really difficult and tempting to say something you know you shouldn't “...another one again, when will this ever end”. The bible are full of them actually, I just recently read about David's challenges and how he stood still. My all-time favorite is Joseph. Have a look at it, You are minding your business sleeping and God comes and say “I am going to bless you and you shall be head over your brothers”, you wake up excited and tell your family, who by the way are not too thrilled to hear this, but hey God told me so am going to believe. Your dad sends you to the fields to go feed your brothers and they betray you, plan to kill you but later on, sale you and you begin to think “God is making a way, where there is no way”.

    You get to a distant land and start your new life… a Slave, but things pick up and you think “Wow... that was fast am moving up, God you are the best”. Now Temptation sets in and you see everything is nice and you don’t want to give it up and start thinking “Bigger or smaller picture which is better?” and you go with the far far bigger picture and say “Am going with God ma’am, am not going to sin against him” and the next thing you hear is the cell door slamming behind you  and you think ”God is about to do it again , another miracle is on the way” and you start singing praises and are happy .


The 1st year rolls by, you say “This must be a super miracle”... 3 yrs. run by and you say “God knows am here, he neither sleeps nor slumber”... In the 7th year you might start saying this “God is this your full and final plan for me, No, it can’t be, the just shall live by faith” by the 12th year you wonder “God why me, why did you bring me to this desolate land”. I personally don’t know what joseph said but God was with Joseph and everything he did prosper so you can imagine you are now a very important person in the prison, you are number 2 in the prison, congrats you are a Prisoner. At this point, am sure saying “God I give up your plan for me isn’t any good” sounds quite nice and tempting but still he didn't, he says “God I know the thought you have for me are for good”.
    I am sure you know the rest of the story, if not… well in short one thing leads to another, which lead to another and he gets out of prison and becomes Prime Minister of the land , he is now number 2 and not only that, his brothers who sold him, eventually comes back and bows down at his feet.
    Our Words have power to make us or break us, destroy us or build us, weaken us or strengthen us. Growing up we weren’t taught all this, we just talked and talked and didn’t really consider what we were telling ourselves, we all thought it was harmless fun or jokes but… when you go down a few years and you discover you are what you said you were, it’s not fun again. In the bible the tongue is considered the smallest part of the body but yet the strongest of them all. “A word whispered in faith is my stronger words shouted in fear and doubt.”

Choose Your Words Carefully … There have Power in them #NeverGiveUp


  Choose Your Words Carefully … There have Power in them #NeverGiveUp

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