Monday 23 February 2015

My Location

          Thursday Afternoon, I had my traveling bag in hand and headed off into our unit car, a big black toyota hilux, I had my navy blue head warmer on, It was going to be a long drive to Uyo. Am a light traveler , so all I needed was , a book to read , my I-pod to listen too, toothbrush and some cloths for the next couple of days. Uyo isn’t normally my favorite destination to go and work , the town was boring for me, though my friend swear that its a nice place to visit I always disagree with them and tell them Calabar is much better. As God would have it, the windows of heaven opened and blessing started showing, it started raining. I Had my I-pod on and listening to a Joyce Meyers messagse on Knowing Him and enjoying the rain, that's how I like traveling totally stress free and everywhere is calm, how I wish every time could be like this.
           Whenever I travel to another state I normally try and get the local delicacy and eat even if I wasn’t hungry just the thrill of having something different excites me. This night I was craving for Fisherman soup. I like eating fish, lots of protein. Well I wasn’t having none of it this night though, faith had other plans for me, I had something different though..... Honeywell noodles , something different from my regular indomie. "When the desirable is unavailable the available becomes desirable". Got to where I was to stay and did the whole night routine and slept. The next morning i got to work and was done with what i was sent to do by 1 in the afternoon but things just kept cripping up and was there till 4.30pm and my driver isn't a big fan of night driving. Its about 4 hours to Enugu and that's in the afternoon, at night we driver slower. So I was about to spend another night in Uyo against my wish.

          For some strange reasons I was clamoring in my mind that I needed to be in Enugu, I was stuck on the though that God wanted me in Enugu and didn't know i was here, but after thinking about it seriously I though ” God knows am here and I am fine , he has a reason for keeping me here for some more hours”. Psalms 137 : 2-3 says You know when I sit down and when I rise up; You understand my thought from afar. 3You scrutinize my path and my lying down, And are intimately acquainted with all my ways.… So I calmed down and relax, well that was after i had a real good laugh at myself. I Got my book out and started reading. I always try to keep myself busy, if i can.
          Its very easy to get into a rut, believing God doesn't know or see our current situation. You might be thinking “he is the alpha and omega , the all knowing God , he doesn’t have time for me or he is too busy solving someone else's problem. He doesn’t know am here and need to get to where I normally pray and worship”. I used to be that same way too. I normally prayed in the basement of my office for about 30mins or more and believed that was the only time God saw or heard my prayers this was excluding morning and evening prayers. I normally waited till 4pm and then go down to pray and feel extra special keeping to the time, knowing that I was there and he was there too. After awhile I realized that he is everywhere so why limit him to my office basement and keep him there till 4pm. LOL
           I agree its good to have a dedicated prayer time but dont just keep yourself to that time. Always put God in your plan but don’t make him a routine and say “I will pray about it in the evening or when I get to church”. You can just as easily do it now. All you need to do is pray in the name of Jesus and you have started . If you cant get a quiet corner, always remember that a silent prayer in faith is more powerful than words spoken out in doubt or fear. Its our duty to commune with him regularly not just at some point in the day.
          Just think of it like this, my blog is functional with or without me, so is the presence of God, his is always there whether you feel it or not. You just have to believe. He always knows where you are. So don’t get worried he cant find you, He knows your exact location.

Read a book on his presence or google it.


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