Thursday 12 February 2015

Belief System

              A Penny for your thought, what do you think of or about most times, when you are with people, friends or just alone and with yourself? If you are like me or were like me, because every day I keep renewing my mind according to what God tells us to do in the bible in Roman 12:3… we are to renew are minds to make us more like Christ. I always looked at the upside even though it wasn’t always easy or came immediately because what you think of turns to what you believe. Looking back now, I have always been an optimist and I thank God for that. Even when I repeated a class I was still optimist but that’s a story for another day (Story for the god’s).
                Your Belief system is basically what you think off when you get a new information. It’s how you respond to good, bad or no new at all.  Do you go all out when something good happens or do you believe it’s just a one-off deal. How well do you respond to bad new, when everything seems not to be be working in your favour, do you put up a smile and say “…all things are working for my good” or go”… shhhh I can’t even get a break”. Everyday something new happens to us either in the office, on the road to the house or even spending your whole day on the bed laying around. 
                The constant recycle of thoughts in our mind can either lift us up or leave you down casted. Albert Einstein said "its only a fool that keeps doing the same thing over and over again that expect a different answer". you know the saying "misery loves company", that's how it goes when someone wants you in their situation. The circumstances might be similar or even greater but you always have a choice on your can either be positive or negative and once you have a concrete belief system in place you will keep seeing does things in your life, because what you continually think of eventually becomes your reality.

                After I was done with school, i started searching for a job. Knowing I finished with a 2.2 from covenant university and that we were only four in my set that finished with that grade I felt bad. Felt like i had a huge chip over my shoulder. I got a job invite to a company close to Ojo Cantonment Barracks - that’s the best way to describe the location because even now am wondering what in God’s name took me there – it was on a Friday or Tuesday morning can’t remember but that’s wasn't the point, I was just excited, it wasn’t much but I felt it was a good start. I grew up in Lagos and leaved in ajah and if you know anything about Lagos you know that getting from point A (Ajah) to Point B (Ojo Cantonment) before 9 o’clock which was the start time was a feat of God.
                So I woke up by 4 a.m. to carry my cross or start my day because I knew God won’t stop people from going to work because I wanted to wake up by 7 o’clock and have a comfortable bus ride to Point B in 1 hour and be looking “spot on “as my friends will say. I left Point A 6’oclock and got there around 8 o’clock just which was just enough time for me to actually locate the venue.  The venue…. Hmm I put my heads down and say God what kind of life is this. Picture yourself walking into a corner stall on the second floor of a shop complex the type you see in the market. Wait the shop was in the market. It was that bad, but i still knew "Only good things were going to happen" so i held my head up high.
                My first Job interview was in the market, I though what kind of way was this to start looking for a job. Moving on, I got there greeted the shop attendee a lady and met fellow applicant that had been waiting and praying to get the job. I was still thinking “O-My-God”, when I saw two people that left 2 different impression on me there, one was a man say early 30’s or very late 20’s who was impeccably dressed, he pulled all the stop he was dressed like a manager with his 3 piece suit and tie and a younger fellow who was dressed like me, a trouser and shirt nothing spectacular about our looks, and now i know I won’t have given me the job. Always be dressed for the occasion no matter how insignificant.
                After all the introduction were made. We were told about the company (shop business), that they were recruiters who interfaced for blue chip employers and that we will pay a token of N200 to write a test and that if we passed we will be invited for further interviews. At hearing the "Token of N200", some of us flared up and left while the other said they had been doing it and that sometimes it works out and that they didn’t mind. The older man said he would stay that he was already there and that he had the money. I and the other boy left instead. He told me that we are not to pay anything and that it’s the employers who will pay them and not us.
                On walking back to the express with the other boy and some people I started lamenting that how will I get job and that this was my first interview and the boy asked me “when did you finish school “ I said “this year “and he with the people around him broke out into laughter and I thought what’s funny. He then said “You never start o! That he has been looking for job for more than 4yrs now and that me I shouldn’t bother that I should look at his shoes “all the people around him agreed with what he was saying as we left. That was in September or October 2010.
               After hearing that and getting home i dwelt on it for awhile, you see ,not all information we receive are actually helpful. We have to discipline our mind to filter out all the useful information and discard the rest. You don't have to be an optimist to do that, all you need to do is when you hear any news you think about it and gather the information there and then change your outlook on it. The way i saw it i could believe i wont get a job now and stop trying or i could wake up the next morning and send my C.V's out knowing all things are possible with God's grace.

               Awhile passed,and  i got some more jobs invite,i and my friend philip had a funny adventure one of those day's we went out to drop our C.V's, but that's a story for another day. I went to Abuja, I wanted to travel now before I started working and to get my mind off the whole job search. My best friend Sele was there so I had where to stay when I got to Abuja. I got there had fun but was still actively searching for a job in Abuja too and something happened I attended Shiloh not fully but just the evening session willingly and not under duress. I needed to experience a miracle which was a job for me then. We do things for our own selfish reasons but God known and want us to come to him for those reason.
                It was very uplifting knowing that God is for me and that all will be fine. When I got home back to Lagos I dusted out my bible (more like took my faith work more seriously) started listening to message and tape from different men of God mostly, David Oyedapo and Kenneth E.hagin. Then I started reading more motivational and inspirational books than academic books. My bible took a beating  colored the book red and blue, 4 yrs. reading was compressed into 4 months. I kept renewing my mind every day and believe in the best. Even when thoughts of defeat and unbelief came into my mind that I won’t do any better, I always said a short prayer, quoted a scripture and believed on Gods word.
                It wasn’t easy though, there where days I felt like crap, pardon my language, my family were shouting at me that "this my belief is too much, that nothing was going to happen, and that aren’t we all Christians too". I thought, well God maybe there are right maybe nothing for me, but each morning I thought of given up on the promises and allow the thought of defeats sink in, I read something new and  got the courage to keep my belief system positive and not negative. I kept reading and praying until someday I got an invite for a job interview for a company I didn’t even apply for though, there was a logical explanation later but I know it was God divine intervention and it did take long 6months later and i got a great Job
So I ask you today “what’s your belief System On Positive or Negative”?
Rom 12:2… look it up.

The Internet is your best friend. You can start like this. 
Internet = Google + The bible 

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