Tuesday 17 February 2015


After announcing that the school bags we got from our head office won’t be enough for the families and were limited. People who had kids started grumbling and saying senior staffs should sacrifice theirs for the junior staff which to me wasn’t fair to the senior staff because we all work for the same Company. After concluding that a ballot will be carried out and that some people won’t be able to get for their kids we announced the time and venue so as to make sure no one felt cheated. It didn’t matter much to me, I didn’t have any kid even though I had spoken for the ballot system. Around 2o’clock my unit driver enters my office and asks me to please pick for his kid, that he won’t be around when the picking was been done. I agreed, no reason in particular.
  Around 4o’, I stepped down to where the picking was to be done, I got there early enough to have some laughs with the person coordinating the whole event, Watch her fold the paper into an envelope and seal it while waiting for the others to arrive. When everyone was finally present and the picking was about to start, the envelope had been finally opened in the presence of everyone and poured into a transparent basket for picking, an incident occurred, don’t really remember what, but in the confusion, I saw a security guard with the empty voting envelop in hand and was try to get any left over, which he did, 2 actually were left in the envelop which you won’t be able to have notice because the paper were neatly folded.
On collecting the envelope from the security, another staff saw me and started asking what I was doing with the envelope, I explained everything to her and she calmed down. 5mins later I found out that we had to reprint a particular number that had gone missing and out of know where, the lady comes out and starts shouting "ochuko, open your hand, let’s check your pocket", and in that instant I thought " is this woman high , what am I going to do with a school bag, that how can she think I will steal to get a bag, that does she know who I am" and flared up at her, she apologized which was my desired goal, but later it didn’t feel right to me. You might say why; she apologized and probably deserved it but I had acted “out of line” and allowing my ego determine my reaction, wasn't a good thing
Up until then I had never thought of humility that way, I had puffed up myself in my mind so much that I didn’t even stop for a second to think of what I was about to do because I felt my ego had been bruised by her and that she had to know, she made a mistake and apologize instantly... Eph 4:2-3 says Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace. I had always believe I was the most humble person after Jesus, because I tried to treat everyone fairly and equally but whenever I got myself in a situation when someone misunderstood the situation, I got angry and made sure the person understood the situation and was straightened out correctly.
Notice, I used a lot of I’s today, I kept trying to reduce them but I still kept using them. We create an image and perception in our minds of who we are at all time and we want people to see that about us too, but what happens when there don’t, do we flare up shouting and prove the persons point or give the person an opportunity to know the real you. In truth the person had already created an impression about you and was given you an opportunity to change it. Which to me sound fair thinking about it. Albert Einstein gave an equation  Ego = 1/ knowledge which simple means the more the knowledge the less the ego and More ego is equals to less knowledge.
  Knowledge about one self is usually the best way to start, we are though a lot of things in school , Mathematics, Geography, English even Christianity but there never teach you about yourself. Your strength and weakness, who you are and what you can handle at any given time. If you are comfortable with who you are, when someone says something that you don’t angry with, you won’t flare up or get angry, you will pause and correct the person because you know who you are. People Confuse humility for timidity and that’s just again because there don’t know their strengths. Take Time out today 10mins and write out you strengths and weakness, if you were involved in an argument, reflect on it and try and find out how you reacted to the situation. Did you allow you Ego lead you or did you allow knowledge of who you are direct you.
Golda Meir.... “Don’t be humble …. You are not that Great”

Internet= Bible + Google….. always a good combo

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