Sunday 15 February 2015

Whats The time

      Woke up this beautiful Saturday morning and went straight to work, well not so straight, i dragged about on my bed after praying because I was going to do something I didn't like but had too, which was , wash my car. Growing up I had always disliked washing cars, when I was serving and staying with my uncle , we would wake up early by 5 am to start the day so as to avoid the traffic going to work. After prayers I would get the bucket and immediately go outside and wash the car. I didn’t like doing it then and still didn’t like it now but it was much easier now for me washing my own car since I knew how to do it well and in no time the car was clean.
      “Take the indexes out, move the graph and jump right into it. GO!!” that was the MD of my bank given an instruction to someone making a presentation during a performance review , time was short. The meeting was to start at 3 pm but due to technical delay, it started at 3.30pm. The presenter got on stage and before he could say anything the MD just spoke up and told him to take out all the preambles and get straight to the point. Time was of the essence and he wanted the fact straight. Time is off high value it never comes back once used, God said it in Eph 5:16 - But as wise: redeeming the time, because the days are evil. 
      Is it as important as it seems or just another activity robbing you of your time to rest, read a book or pray. I find myself asking that question now every time when someone asks me out or when I want to make a plan of what to do. On like before that at the drop of a hat or request from a friend we are out the door, off to the club or bar to get a drink and hang out with friends or party and dance the night away and comeback more tired than I was before and sleep for only 3 hrs and start the day again. That was how my Fridays and Thursday were. I couldn’t sleep most Friday if I was at home because I felt I had to be at some party, TGIF.

       I felt “Hey am young and happy , I will sleep later” luckily for me I could stay awake all night and still function properly the next day, with maybe 2hrs of sleep. I got that from my parents they ware always hardworking and active, especially my mum who ran her own business while we were kids, so I had a good role model in term of strength, she could stay awake 2days straight finishing up a project and we would all go to sleep. There were times in the office though that I had to get some short 20mins nap and my boss will catch me and tell me to go for a walk and come back, he was once young and pretty much went through the cycle I was in.
      I had fun and was happy but now, i am more time conscious. I always ask myself what do I want to invest my time on. I ran into one of the manages of the Club i spent 90% of my time in. She complained she hadn’t seen me in awhile , most of my friend do actually, I just tell them “am home sleep, exercise or reading”. Its fun hanging out once in a while, once a month or more. But 4 out of the 4 weekends in a month you are doing TGIF ,i figured what was i celebrating . I Am all for fun and parties but now I plan them accordingly, I guess I had a problem with clubbing because I was always in the club, Friday and Saturday so for me I guess clubbing stole my time , for someone else it could be TV or even reading books and resting... LOL. - “Different Strokes for Different Folks
      Now, I just find different ways to balance my time out and making it productive for me is key. Making it serve you and not you serving it. You shouldn’t just be marking time and watch the moments pass you by and not be involved in it. Your body shouldn’t just be there and you are not even actively present and partaking of the moment. Don’t just go through the moments. Life is beautiful and should be enjoyed. At this point I think I have to put a picture here … hold on.

      I and a group of my friends went out to get breakfast together, while we were ordering our foods and talking about our futures, one of us said“ when I was a kid I told myself, that at 28 yrs I would be married and have a Master degree , but when I turned 28yrs I had neither and realized that I had just idled my time away.” He got married last year but he had missed his target. He looked happy but that was something he wish he had done.
     You might ask why I started with my sad story of washing my car , for me its not easy waking up in the morning for me does 5 extra minutes sleep are the nicest but I had what to do, and was on a schedule this particular morning. Had to got to church for an outreach for the first time and wanted to be early so I had to make sure I finished washing my car on time , which equally meant I had to get up early. So I had to redeem the time and wake up by force and get to it. Benjamin Franklin once said “You may delay, but time will not and lost time is never found again”.


Do you have any goals or target to archive, now’s a good time to start. Make a Plan today and maximize your time.

The Internet = Google + The Bible …. best equation ever.

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